USA – A glass bottle was thrown at a 13-year-old girl in Cleveland

University Heights, Cleveland, OH – Someone in a vehicle reportedly threw a beer bottle at a 13-year-old Fuchs Mizrachi School student in an Orthodox neighborhood in University Heights and screamed, “Fucking Jews, you’re fucking idiots, Jews,” then drove away Oct 5.
Naava Prero had just gotten off a public school bus at the corner of Milton and Groveland roads at about 5:30 p.m. Oct. 5 when the reported incident took place. As the bus pulled away, another vehicle pulled up to the girl, her mother, Rachel Prero, told the Cleveland Jewish News Oct. 6. Naava was wearing a Fuchs Mizrachi school uniform, which is a short-sleeve blue polo shirt and pleated skirt. A woman, described as white, middle aged and wearing a baseball cap, threw the bottle and yelled the profanities, Prero said.
Naava ran home, too shaken to get details, such as the license plate number of the vehicle described as large and dark, her mother said.
The suspect described as a middle aged white woman w/a baseball cap in a dark colored SUV.

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