France – Antisemitic attack in Lyon

Lyon – It was 8 pm when a man living in the 7th arrondissement of Lyon decided to go out to look for food. While passing on the Place Gabriel-Péri, this man who was wearing a kippah was verbally attacked by five individuals who insulted him. “Dirty Jew!” before ordering her to leave.

The victim demanded an explanation and was then kicked and punched. A CRS crew who was on a nearby security mission saw what was happening. The police quickly intervened and arrested one of the attackers, who was said to be 17 years old but who had no identity document with him. The suspect was taken into custody. The others managed to escape.
An investigation was opened and the victim filed a complaint. The latter is slightly injured. His total incapacity for work (ITT) must be determined. The district police station is in charge of the investigation.
Source: actu17

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