Germany – The Saxony police counted 96 antisemitic crimes in the first half of 2021

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The Saxony police counted 96 antisemitic crimes in the Free State in the first half of 2021, according to an evaluation by Die Linke. This comes from monthly small inquiries from the state parliament member Kerstin Köditz (left), as the party announced on Friday. The MP therefore added up the reported crimes of the six months. The numbers come from the answers of the Saxony Ministry of the Interior to the small questions of the MPs.

“The current data are provisional, because late registrations are missing, which experience shows are only included in the statistics with a delay,” said Köditz, according to the announcement. The development is already alarming, as 173 acts were reported for the entire previous year. A high had already been reached in 2020, and now there is a threat of a further increase and thus an “inglorious record”.
According to the evaluation, about half of all acts occurred in the three large cities of Leipzig (23), Dresden (16) and Chemnitz (13). «It should be noted that the display behavior has an impact on the statistics. It is possible that awareness of the danger of anti-Semitism is not equally pronounced everywhere,” said Köditz.
Source: zeit
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