Germany – “Children of the Kindertransport” memorial in Berlin desecrated

לכתבה בעברית

Photo: imago images / Jürgen Ritter

Berlin – Unknown people poured an oily liquid over the monument commemorating Kindertransporte during the Nazi era at Berlin’s Friedrichstrasse train station.

The curator of the almost life-size bronze children’s group alerted the police, the Berlin police announced. The liquid could be removed with a cloth with almost no residue. Full cleaning is planned for Thursday. The police state security is investigating.
The memorial “Trains in Life – Trains in Death” at the south-western entrance of the station commemorates Jewish children who between 1938 and 1939 traveled to Great Britain and 15 other, mostly European countries, including Palestine and brought to the United States and thus survived. The bronze sculpture stands at the children’s authentic departure point.
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