Germany – Antisemitic posters of an art exhibition in Munich

Munich – An employee of the Valentin-Karlstadt Museum noticed that on the exhibit in Isartor “Yes, our white vests!” („Ja, unsere weißen Westen!“) Antisemitic posters were pasted. Christian Springer’s exhibit commemorates the entry into force of the National Liberation of Socialism and Militarism Act 75 years ago.

A number of A4 sheets, on which historical reports were printed in the newspapers, were pasted on the exhibit. One page was with the headlines “Holocaust” and “6,000,000 Jews on the New York Times owned by the Jews, all long before the end of World War II.” The articles in the newspaper before and during the Holocaust warn of threats to six million Jews. The headline suggests that the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust were an invention of the newspaper, due to the Jewish owners.
Christian Springer, initiator of the show “Yes, our white vests!”, said: “It is very sad that such events occur when you deal with the past factually. But we are glad that no damage was done to the show itself and that we can continue the important exchanges with interested Munich residents.”

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