Canada – Election signs for Jewish Canadian MPs targeted with swastikas

Montreal, QC – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday evening he was “disgusted” and “angry” that election signs for two of his MPs in Montreal were vandalized with antisemitic graffiti.

In posts on their Twitter profiles, MPs Rachel Bendayan and Anthony Housefather shared photos of swastikas drawn over their signs in their ridings.
“It is completely unacceptable,” said Trudeau in a tweet. “I stand in solidarity with Rachel and Anthony, and the entire Jewish community, against this type of hatred.”
Both MPs denounced the attacks online.

“Pretty sad to see #antisemitism hitting the campaign on Day 3. I can assure whoever did this that no swastika is going to scare me or stop me from speaking up for Jewish Canadians,” tweeted Housefather, whose riding is Mount Royal.

Bendayan, who represents the Outremont riding with a large Jewish population, linked the graffiti to the kind of far-right sentiment seen south of the border.
“Whatever your political views, spreading hateful and violent messages is not the way to go,” she said on Twitter.
“We’ve seen the road that the politics of the far right leads us to in the US and around the world. That is not us. That is not our Canada.”
The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) group said Montreal police were made aware of the antisemitic attacks.
“It is absolutely sickening to see this vile antisemitism targeting Jewish election candidates in Montreal,” said Michael Levitt, president and CEO of FSWC, in a news release.
“There’s no place for this Jew-hatred in the city of Montreal or anywhere else in Canada. This symbol of hate and genocide must be rejected by all Canadians, regardless of where one stands on the political spectrum.”

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