USA – Antisemitic hate crimes skyrocket nearly 60% in Los Angeles in first half of 2021

Antisemitic hate crimes in Los Angeles,
 Jan. 1-June 30, 2018-2021

The number of antisemitic hate crimes in Los Angeles has jumped by almost 60 percent in the first half of 2021, according to police data compiled by the Crosstown non-profit group.

The 43 antisemitic incidents comprise 14.6 percent of all hate crimes in Los Angeles so far this year, making Jews the third-most targeted minority group, behind Blacks and Latinos, the Crosstown report, which can be read here.
Los Angeles is home to one of the largest Jewish communities in the world, totaling around 600,000 people.
“Over the last four years, and leading into 2021, we have seen an emboldenment of extremists,” Anti-Defamation League Los Angeles Deputy Regional Manager Ariella Loewenstein was quoted by Crosstown as saying. “A central part of conspiratorial views that fuel extremist violence is antisemitism.”

Source: combat antisemitism

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