Survey – Right-wing extremists and attitudes that endanger democracy in Germany 2020/21

Every two years, the FES “Center Study” examines right-wing extremist attitudes in German society that endanger democracy. The current representative survey from December 2020 to spring 2021 shows: The “Center” is called upon to take a stand, take a stand and strengthen its democracy! It has the potential to do that.

Hate campaigns, violence, right-wing terror and new right-wing groups have hit the “center” in recent years. Now comes the corona pandemic with global uncertainties and incalculable subsequent crises. What does that mean for the democratic orientation of society? The “Mitte Study” 2020/21 identifies developments that promote democracy as well as those that endanger it. The center itself sees right-wing extremism as the greatest threat to democracy, and this is where the chance to counter it lies.
Additional tables and graphics for the study can be found here.

Source: FES
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