Ukraine – An ultra-Orthodox Jew was beaten not far from Uman

Torhovytsya – In the village of Torhovytsya, not far from Uman, a Hasid was beaten, and the attacker managed to escape. This was reported by the United Jewish Community of Ukraine in its Telegram channel.

The Hasid, who earns his living as a Talmud Torah teacher, arrived at a playground in Torhovytsya, a village located about 40 kilometers from Uman. He arrived at the kindergarten accompanied by his wife and nine children.
There, they were approached by a Ukrainian man, whose only identifying detail that could be discovered was his first name – Pavel.
The man approached the heifer’s wife and asked to shake her hand, and of course refused for religious reasons. At this point, the man grabbed the husband’s neck, and began punching him in the face, in front of his family.
The victim tried to take shelter in a nearby business, a local post office, but the staff at the place ordered him to leave the building.
Having no choice, the Hasid left the post office, but there the assailant waited for him, and struck him again. According to eyewitnesses, the attacker hit him hard, knocking him to the ground.
At one point, after the beatings stopped, the family fled to the car and headed for Uman. Even then, Pavel followed them while violating a series of traffic laws. After a while, the student and his family managed to reach a place of safety, hospital in Uman.
At the hospital, it became clear that the victim was suffering from many injuries, including to his face, where his nose was broken as a result of the punches he suffered.
Uman police investigators came to visit him and collected detailed testimony from him in order to proceed with the investigation of the incident.
Source: kikar

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