UK – Education minister calls on schools to act against growing antisemitism

Gavin Williamson

UK Education Minister Gavin Williamson wrote to school officials on Friday urging them to act on the growing number of cases of antisemitism in schools.

“Anti-Semitism constitutes racism. It is odious and, like other forms of racism, it has no place in our schools,” the letter read.
“I would also like to take this opportunity to remind institutions of their legal obligations with regard to political impartiality,” writes Mr. Williamson.
“When political issues are brought to the attention of students, especially through the activity and expression of other students, schools must give a balanced presentation of opposing views,” he said.
Schools should avoid presenting information in a “politically biased or one-sided manner and always avoid working with organizations that promote antisemitic or discriminatory views,” he said.
Mr. Williamson also called on institutions “not to use material from organizations that publicly reject Israel’s right to exist.”

Source: standard

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