Germany – Antisemitic insults in Hamburg and Bremen

Hamburg and Bremen – There were two antisemitic insults in Hamburg and Bremen. In downtown Hamburg, a 20-year-old Kippa carrier was insulted from a car at a traffic light on Thursday, according to the police. In Bremen, a 70-year-old man who, according to the police, was wearing a protective mask with a Star of David, was insolently insulted.

Both acts occurred on Wednesday, the perpetrators were unknown. The incident in Hamburg occurred in the city center. The victim was riding a bicycle and stopped next to a car at a red light. When the vehicle, which was occupied by three people, pulled away, one of the occupants shouted an antisemitic insult through the open passenger window.
The incident in Bremen also occurred in the city center, right next to the Bremen Cathedral. The suspect in this case was around 45 years old, according to police. In both cases, the state security police are investigating, among other things, sedition.
Source: tah

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