Cambridge graduate said extermination was ‘best option’ for Jews and obtained bomb manual

Oliver Bel MEN Media

Salford, Manchester  – A Cambridge graduate who said extermination was the “best option” for Jews obtained a bomb-making manual and urged his social media followers to “kill them all”, a court has heard.

Oliver Bel, of Salford, was found to have downloaded an ‘anarchist cookbook’ – instructions on making explosives – after he posted a number of antisemitic, racist and homophobic comments online.
Mr Bel, 24, came to the attention of the Counter Terrorism Unit in Cambridge after his tutor reported the antisemitic remarks he posted online, Manchester Crown Court was told.
Jurors were told that in a Facebook post, Mr Bel said: “I just want to go on a killing spree.”
A day later, the court heard, he posted: “Hate them Jews, kill them all then kill all niggers”.
When police raided Mr Bel’s home in Salford, they discovered an ‘anarchist cookbook’ and books about Adolf Hitler, as well as his Samsung phone.
Police found images including a swastika on the phone, as well as recordings of conversations about race superiority.
They also discovered discussions with former National Action founder Alex Davies, as well as an article about Mr Bel on the website of anti-fascist organisation Hope Not Hate, the court heard.
The article included a post from Mr Bel in which he wrote: “Extermination is the best option for [Jews].”
Mr Bel denies possessing a document containing information useful to terrorism.
Opening the case, prosecutor Joe Allman said the ‘anarchist cookbook’ had been bought on Amazon in December 2018 and contained “instructions on how to make blasting [material] and [an explosive liquid]”.
Both were said to be highly explosive and an “obvious benefit” to anyone thinking about making a bomb, the court heard.
“Mr Bel harboured, at that time and possibly still does harbour, extreme right-wing views,” Mr Allman told jurors.
He came to the attention of the Counter Terrorism Unit following a report about his post on the Facebook page of the Young Free Speech society, it was said.
“In these posts Mr Bel defends Hitler and makes derogatory comments about Jews,” the prosecutor added.
An officer from the Prevent Programme, part of the Counter Terrorism Unit, went to speak to Mr Bel, but he continued to post “angry, racist” views online, the court heard.
In July 2019, he made a remark about going on a “killing spree” which was reported to the police by his tutor, jurors were told.
Three months later, an article was published by Hope Not Hate entitled: “Meet the Cambridge graduate who likes Hitler and hates the Jews.”
Prosecutors said he had been identified as a member of the far-right ‘Iron March’ forum following a leak of the membership list.
The court heard that the Hope Not Hate article cited a September 2017 post on the forum by Mr Bel in which he wrote: “Jews are parasites, well known for nepotism and financial corruption, with a background of communist revolution and pretty much every progressive movement from there.
“Extermination is the best option for them.”
He added: “Homosexuality is perverse and unnatural behaviour.
“I actually lost a homosexual friend because of my view on his behaviour. Good riddance, I guess.”
The case continues.Source: The JC
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