An increase in the number of antisemitic incidents in Bavaria

The number of antisemitic incidents in Bavaria increased last year. As can be seen from the answer to a state parliament request from SPD member Markus Rinderspacher, the criminal police recorded 353 antisemitic incidents in 2020.

In the previous year, 307 such acts were registered, an increase of around 40 percent compared to 2018. In view of the rapidly increasing numbers, Parlament Vice President Rinderspacher called for better political education in the Free State.
As the answer from the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior shows, 96 percent of the antisemitic incidents are attributed to right-wing extremist perpetrators. Only a few other ideological reasons are supposed to be behind the crimes.
According to the statistics, about two out of three cases are about sedition. This is followed by the criminal offenses of using marks of unconstitutional organizations (35 cases), insults (28 cases), damage to property (19 cases) and threats (10 cases).
Source: rtl
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