Study: “Antisemitism in (school) everyday life – experiences and manners of Jewish families and young adults”

The qualitative study “Antisemitism in (school) everyday life – experiences and manners of Jewish families and young adults” („Antisemitismus im (Schul-) Alltag – Erfahrungen und Umgangsweisen jüdischer Familien und junger Erwachsener“ ) (2017-2019) was carried out by the research department of the competence center in cooperation with the social pedagogy department of the Free University of Berlin under the direction of Marina Chernivsky and Dr. Friederike Lorenz and with the scientific collaboration of Johanna Schweitzer.

The implementation of the study and the publication of the research report were funded by the federal program “Live Democracy!” With the kind support of JDC. A scientific advisory board accompanied the implementation of the study.
The study deals with the question of how antisemitism appears in schools in contemporary society and is perceived and classified by (former) students and families with school-age children. The study design follows the principles of interpretative social research (Rosenthal 2015). One focus is on the context of school and memories of one’s own school days as well as assessments and evaluations of the current social situation with regard to antisemitism. The interviews also reflect on questions of Jewish identity and the role of parents when dealing with antisemitism. In addition to the existing findings on antisemitism in schools from the perspective of teachers (Chernivsky / Lorenz 2020), the analysis of the experiences.
The following research questions were key in the implementation of the study:
  • What experiences do Jewish adolescents and their families have in schools and in their everyday lives?
  • How safe do you feel about antisemitism and what kind of behavior do you describe?
  • How do you perceive antisemitism in society in general and in schools in particular?
  • What needs do you describe in relation to dealing with antisemitism ?

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