Italy – “Jews are the evil to be eliminated”: neo-Nazi group founder arrested in Italy

Savona – Preparing a bomb, for Andrea Cavalleri, a 22-year-old student from Savona who lived by buying and selling relics from Fascism or Nazism, seemed a kind of formality. “But you know that the charcoal, with a few adjustments, become a bomb … Two pipes, two buttons : that’s it,” he explained to a seventeen-year-old friend from Turin. 

With him he wanted to create an Italian cell of the “Atomwaffen Division”, a neo-Nazi and supremacist movement born in the South of the United States that carried out several attacks. Cavalleri, to create his cell, had come into contact with American militants of supremacist organizations such as the AWD and the Ku Klux Klan. “It is time to take up arms”, he wrote on the public Telegram channel “Black Sun”, which he had created and which in a few months had collected more than 500 subscribers. 
Previously he had attended the Chiabrera high school in Savona, becoming passionate about the Resistance. 
Yesterday morning the police arrested him for “criminal association with the purpose of terrorism and incitement to commit a crime for reasons of racial discrimination aggravated by denial”, searching other 12 people in various Regions.

The searches, in addition to the home of the arrested, took place in the province of Genoa, Turin, Cuneo, Cagliari, Forlì-Cesena, Palermo, Bologna and Perugia. 

What the investigators call an authentic “network” has ended in the crosshairs of anti-terrorism, even though at the moment it is not easy to decrypt its ramifications in detail. The Digos and Ucigos policemen concentrated on the members of the Telegram group «Black Sun». Among the “relevant” characters in the eyes of those who investigate are in particular the militants of the areas of Cuneo, Cagliari and Perugia. All devices were seized and, on a couple of occasions, weapons legally held.
Cavalleri and his associates wanted determined followers, ready “to die with dignity” to pursue the cause. And that is to fight Judaism, feminists, homosexuals and people of color, while one of the primary objectives was a school.
To find the followers, they subjected those who wanted to join the organization to a questionnaire: 30 questions, among which “what do you think about the possession of weapons?”, “What do you think of the Jews?”, “What do you think of Mussolini or Hitler?”, “Is blood or money worth more?” 
The reference points were Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway on 22 July 2011; Brenton Tarrant, who killed 51 in two mosques in Christchurch in New Zealand on 15 March 2019, and the Italian Luca Traini, who wounded six immigrants with a 9 caliber in Macerata on 3 February 2018.
The organization, although in its early days, tried to give itself a military structure, those who were not ready to take extreme actions were removed and had some guns, legally held by Cavalleri’s father, seized by Digos at the beginning of the investigation: “I have the weapons, I think I’ll do Traini 2.0 ». Another objective was the feminist and gay movements: “They are all our enemies – wrote Cavalleri – now I want to kill the kids who did the Holocaust exhibit. ‘ For the judge, these sentences were not just delusions of omnipotence. “The experience of terrorist attacks – he writes – has confirmed the real and concurrent danger of even small groups and the possibility of carrying out serious acts even with limited tools.i».

Source:  italy24news 

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