Knife wielding man chases Jewish girl in Crown Heights

Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY – A knife wielding man chasing a Jewish girl in Crown Heights Sunday morning was stopped thanks to the intervention of a Crown Heights hero.

The incident unfolded at approximately 10:00am on Schenectady Ave when two Jewish men saw a man – described as an African American male wearing a red jacket – chasing a Jewish girl.
One of the Jewish men began yelling at knife wielding male, diverting his attention and allowing the girl to escape.
Crown Heights Shomrim was called as the hero watched the perpetrator disappear near the corner of Schenectady Ave and President Street.
While many Shomrim volunteers combed the streets looking for the perpetrator, a pair stationed themselves on the corner, waiting to see if the man would “reappear”.
Their attempt paid off when they noticed a man matching the description exit from 1622 President Street, and snapped a picture. Minutes later the identity was confirmed as the same man.
As the man was no longer outside, the 71st Precinct was informed of the incident which will undoubtedly be investigated.

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