Antisemitic graffiti with corona reference on an advertising poster in a Munich subway station

Munich – On the advertising space, among other things, the slogans “Vaccination makes you free” („Impfen macht frei“) and “Ghetto resistance immediately” (“Ghetto Widerstand sofort” ) were left with a pen. “Vaccination makes you free” is an allusion to the lettering above some National Socialist concentration and extermination camps and equates future vaccinations against Corona with the “destruction through work” under National Socialism. 

Many “lateral thinkers” believe that a corona vaccine should be used to enslave or destroy humanity. “Immediate Ghetto Resistance” equates the current corona situation and the imagined resistance of some “lateral thinkers” with the acts of resistance of Jewish people in the ghettos at the time of National Socialism. 
In addition, the abbreviation “NWO” was left behind. A widespread antisemitic conspiracy story says that an imagined “Jewish world conspiracy” wants to enforce this “New World Order” (NWO) and thus enslave, subjugate or kill billions of people. The corona pandemic is a means of implanting microchips in people through alleged “compulsory vaccinations” in order to make them compliant.
Source: RIAS Bayern

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