Neo-Nazi signs posted around posted campus

Fort Myers, FL – Florida Gulf Coast University President Mike Martin said the person who posted antisemitic posters around campus has been identified. 
According to a statement, the person was not a student or staff member of the school, present or past. 
The posters were found on Florida Gulf Coast University’s campus Saturday. 
The university said two posters were placed on Edwards Hall and one on Marieb Hall. All three have been taken down.

“Our legal recourse is rather limited, but we can and should all speak out to reject and condemn these hateful communications and make those who choose to practice it know they are not welcome at FGCU.”

The person was issued a trespass warning for FGCU.
Similar flyers were also found on campuses around Florida including UCF, according to the statement.
Now, students in a Jewish fraternity are replacing the hateful signs with a more positive and peaceful message.

The new signs read, “No place for hate” and are urging people to take a pledge against hate. The Alpha Epsilon Pi members also want legal action to be taken.
“We decided it would be the best place for us as jewish students at FGCU to come together and try to promote more inclusivity on campus and say there is no room for hate of any form,” Evan Neveloff, a Jewish Fraternity Member, said.
“I was absolutely disgusted. I’m appalled that something like this would happen on this campus,” he added.
Source: nbc-2
Photo: Photo Provided By FGCU

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