Jeremy Corbyn suspended by Labour after shameless response to antisemitism report

Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended by Labour after his shameless response to a damning report which found the party broke the law over anti-Semitism.

This morning under-fire Mr Corbyn refused to apologise after the Equality and Human Rights Commission found the party under the hard left-former leader allow
In a shameless statement, Mr Corbyn claimed: “The scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media.”
The Labour boss had said he “did not accept all of the report’s findings” and, in a video clip, failed to accept he should leave the party.
Just hours later the ex-boss who led the party for more than four years was suspended by Labour.
In a press conference this morning new leader Sir Keir Starmer said anyone who claimed antisemitism was “exaggerated” was a “part of the problem” and had no place in the party. 
He later said he had “made it clear we wouldn’t tolerate the denial of antisemitism through the suggestion that it’s exaggerated or factional”.
“I was disappointed with Jeremy Corbyn’s response and that’s why appropriate action has been taken, which I fully support.”
But Mr Corbyn doubled down in pooled clips, saying: “No, I’m not part of the problem.
“What I said today was the numbers of cases in the public perception had become overstated.”
He vowed to “strongly contest” his “political” suspension today, setting the party up for a full-blown civil war.
The leftie boss, who in December led Labour to its worst Election defeat in years, said he was “disappointed” and asked the party to “think again”.
Mr Corbyn claimed: “All I pointed out was, there was a public perception that there were a third of Labour members under suspicion of antisemitism.
“It was 0.3 per cent. That is 0.3 per cent too many.”

Source: The Sun

Photo: Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, right, and his successor Keir Starmer talk to journalists in Brussels, Belgium, March 21, 2019. (Thierry Monasse/Getty Images)

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