A Kosher restaurant in Paris vandalized

Paris – A kosher restaurant in Paris was destroyed overnight on Thursday by vandals who sprayed Nazi swastikas and antisemitic slogans including “Hitler was right” and “Free Palestine” on its floors and walls.
The managers of Mac Queen, a kosher burger joint on rue Manin in the 19th arrondissement of the French capital,  were confronted by the damage when they arrived at the premises on Friday morning.
Shocked witnesses counted at least ten swastikas and up to 50 antisemitic slogans on the wall, among them “dirty Jew” and “Thieves!” The symbol of the Nazi SS and the letters “FDP”, belonging to the “Front des Patriotes,” a neo-Nazi group, were also scrawled on walls and tables.
The culprits then deliberately flooded the restaurant by tampering with its water supply.
Images of the destruction on social media brought forth heavy condemnation from Jewish leaders and French politicians.
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