President of the Jewish community in Graz attacked with a wooden club

The police are looking for this man
after the attack on Rosen/ LPD Steiermark

Graz – An unknown assailant on Saturday attacked the president of the tiny Jewish community of the Austrian city of Granz with what is believed to have been a baseball bat.

The Austrian paper Der Standard wrote when Elie Rosen “left his car, he was attacked by the stranger with a wooden stick, apparently a baseball bat. He managed to escape back into the car at the last second. After that, the attacker hit the vehicle with the baseball bat before he fled.”
Elie Rosen

The Austrian government in Graz provided personal protection for Rosen after the attack. Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz expressed “shock” about the attack on Rosen, according to the Austrian news outlet ORF. A perpetrator, or perpetrators, has attacked the Graz Synagogue twice within the last week.

Source: jpost
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