A Jewish-owned pub in Berlin was set on fire

Lichtenberg, Berlin – The neighborhood bar “Morgen wird besser” (“Tomorrow will be better”) on Fanningerstraße in Lichtenberg burned down almost completely. On Friday, August 14, at 6:20 p.m., residents called the fire department. Photos available in Tagesspiegel show the burned bar area: everything is black. No one was injured, there are apartments above the bar.

When asked, police confirmed that the fire commissioner in the criminal police office is investigating a serious arson and that state security is investigating a political motive.

This is the fourth attack on the bar in just a few years. The last time a burglary was committed in 2019, several bottles of cola were spilled over the counter and tables, the cash register was stolen. Local residents who, like the bar owner, do not want to identify themselves, report that the bar with the Jewish owner of the bar has become the target of neo-Nazis.

The owner received the threatening phone call recently last Monday: “I want you to go.” He has received similar calls over and over again in recent months and years, and his bar has also been spray-painted with antisemitic slogans and motifs, he tells Tagesspiegel.

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