Arrested for spreading jihadist and antisemitic proclamations

A detainee in a police operation against jihadist terrorism.

Tarrasa – Agents of the National Police have arrested an individual of Moroccan nationality in Tarrasa (Barcelona) for the alleged commission of crimes of exalting terrorism and hate.

The arrest is the result of the investigation that began a year ago when it was detected that the detainee was using social networks to publish a multitude of photos and videos with messages in favor of the armed struggle and violent jihad.
Likewise, he distributed other publications with a marked antisemitic character.
The investigators found that the aforementioned jihadist apology activity was continued, so, in view of the danger that the person under investigation would reach an advanced state of radicalization and go into an operational phase, he was arrested.
The arrest has been carried out by agents of the Provincial Information Brigade of Barcelona and the Local Information Brigade of Motril (Granada), under the coordination of the General Information Police Station.
Source: larazon

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