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Nevada Jewish Man Stabbed, Assailant Shouted ‘Heil Hitler’ - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Nevada Jewish Man Stabbed, Assailant Shouted ‘Heil Hitler’

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The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help in locating a person of interest in a stabbing that occurred on Rice Street Friday evening. One suspect is in custody in connection with the attack.

Deputies from Carson City and Lyon County were dispatched to Rice Street on reports of a stabbing. According to deputies and witnesses on scene, a patron of the Tap Shack was attacked by a man on the sidewalk in front of the bar after the man asked the victim for money. The suspect then allegedly stabbed the victim in the head while yelling racially charged statements.

Two witnesses at the Tap Shack stated that the suspect held his arm out in a Nazi salute and yelled “heil Hitler” before stabbing a man, who is Jewish, in the head.

The first witness Joseph (last name withheld at witness request) was standing in the front door of the Tap Shack and heard the man yell “Heil Hitler” and “Sieg heil” before running off down the street.

The second witness Taylor (last name withheld at witness request) was on the back patio when she heard a commotion coming from the front. She said she heard yelling and when she got to the fence line she could see the victim holding his head and there was blood all over the ground. She said the suspect then put his arm up in a Nazi salute multiple times, said “Heil Hitler you piece of shit” and then walked away. She said that when he left he laughed to himself and “didn’t seem bothered at all.” She said he was holding a knife in his hand.

The victim was conscious and alert when he was taken to the hospital.

Sheriff’s deputies state that the person of interest they are searching for is a Hispanic male in a blue shirt, blue jeans, and a black backpack.

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