The 2019 report on combating racism, antisemitism and xenophobia in France

Independent national rapporteur, the CNCDH presented, Thursday, June 18, the 29th report on the fight against racism, antisemitism and xenophobia.
” The annual report on the situation in France in the fight against racism, antisemitism and xenophobia (combats which must be pursued tirelessly) is one of the visible manifestations of the action of the CNCDH. This report allows us to better understand and understand the workings of racism in all its forms in order to better prevent and combat it. ” Jean-Marie Burguburu, president of the CNCDH
On the basis of a critical analysis of the policies conducted, and based on the observations of international bodies, the CNCDH makes a series of recommendations aimed at better understanding, understanding and combating all forms of racism and discrimination.
The CNCDH endeavours to base its analyses and recommendations on varied and complementary tools. Surveys on the state of opinion, the statistical report of the Ministry of the Interior, that of the Ministry of Justice, or even the index of tolerance towards others, constitute as many elements to analyse in light numerous contributions from institutional, associative and international actors.
Largely underreported, racism, antisemitism and xenophobia often manifest themselves through subtle forms of rejection that are sometimes difficult to characterize and denounce for the people who are the victims. An increase in racist acts and speeches was identified in 2019, adding to the already remarkable one of the previous year. Although the tolerance index remains almost stable, prejudice, discrimination and racist acts remain and require the co-construction of appropriate policies to respond to them.
Source: CNCDH
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