The Amadeu Antonio Foundation report: “Civil society situation antisemitism in Baden-Württemberg”

Jews in Baden-Württemberg feel massively threatened by increasing antisemitism. This is the result of the “civil society situation antisemitism Baden-Württemberg”, which the Amadeu Antonio Foundation published today. The foundation calls on the state government to urgently strengthen civil society structures in the fight against antisemitism.
The Jewish perspective on the growing antisemitism in Baden-Württemberg is shocking: Many Jews no longer wear religious symbols in public, even in Baden-Württemberg schoolyards, “Jew” is a dirty word. In the digital space, Jews are particularly confronted with anti-Semitic hostility.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, antisemitic conspiracy myths have increased. The claim that a powerful, greedy elite invented the corona virus to establish a global dictatorship leads to antisemitism and Nazi comparisons.
The chairwoman of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Anetta Kahane, states: “The corona crisis shows the widespread spread of conspiracy myths, some of which are strongly antisemitic. Antisemitism is without a doubt the operating system of every conspiracy ideology program. ”
The representative of the Baden-Württemberg state government against antisemitism, Dr. Michael Blume warns: “A far-reaching event like the COVID-19 pandemic creates a need for interpretation. I am currently seeing a lot of people clinging to crude conspiracy myths to interpret the crisis. ”
The situation picture shows that antisemitism is also widespread in Baden-Württemberg outside the pandemic. A survey of Jewish youth shows that a large number of people have already experienced anti-Semitic jokes in their own environment. Many Jews keep their Jewish identity secret in certain situations. The chairman of the Israelite Religious Community in Baden, Rami Suliman, emphasizes: “The Internet has made antisemitism much more visible. Antisemites were never gone. They were always there. “

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