2019 Antisemitism report in Saxony

The number of antisemitic crimes in Saxony reached a new high last year. A total of 156 such offenses became known in 2019, according to the state government’s answers to parliamentary questions from the left-wing parliamentary group in the state parliament.

The left-wing politician Kerstin Köditz said on Wednesday in Dresden that the number of cases in Saxony had been growing significantly for years: 138 antisemitic acts were reported in 2018, compared to 118 in 2017. A low was reached in 2012 with 51 cases. Köditz asks the figures from the state government every month.
The crimes are reportedly primarily incitement (72) and the use of signs of unconstitutional organizations (42). There were also insults and threats (8) and two physical injuries, said the MP. Most of the actions occurred in Dresden (30), Leipzig (22) and Chemnitz (17). The districts of Görlitz (16), Mittelachsen (13), Bautzen and Leipzig (11 each) follow.
Source: t-online
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