Police register rise in far-right crimes in 2019 in Germany

Photo: Horst Pfeiffer / dpa

The police registered a rise right-wing motivated crimes by almost ten percent in 2019. A total of 22,337 offenses that had an extreme right-wing background were provisionally reported to the Criminal Police Registration Service for Politically Motivated Crime (PMK). The newspapers of the Funke media group report. In 2018, the police counted 20,431 right-wing motivated crimes, in 2017 there were 20,520.

This mainly included propaganda offenses and incitement , but also almost 1,000 attempted and carried out acts of violence such as bodily harm and, in individual cases, homicides, as can be seen from a response from the Federal Ministry of the Interior to a request from the Green Interior Expert Irene Mihalic. These violent crimes, which were motivated by right-wing extremists, are beginning to decline – from 1,156 in 2018 to 986 in the past year.
However, the federal government emphasized that the figures for 2019 are preliminary and “can still be subject to change”. The Federal Ministry of the Interior wants to present the final number of cases of politically motivated crime in May. According to provisional information from the federal government, the police identified a total of 41,175 politically motivated crimes last year. This number also increased compared to previous years. In 2018 there were 36,062 offenses, in 2017 39,505. The attempted offenses are also listed below.
According to preliminary statistics, left-wing extremists committed politically motivated crimes in 9,849 cases in 2019. 427 offenses were religiously based, including acts by Islamists in particular.
More antisemitic acts
According to the Federal Government, there is also a renewed rise in anti-Semitic crimes in Germany. According to this, the police provisionally registered 2,032 crimes directed against people of Jewish faith or their institutions. According to final police statistics, there were still 1,799 cases in 2018.
According to the Funke media group, the interior experts of the Greens in the Bundestag, Irene Mihalic, spoke of an “enormous threat” from crimes committed by neo-Nazis. Whether violence against journalists, politicians or people of Jewish faith – “by far the number of criminal and violent acts outweigh the right spectrum”, emphasized Mihalic. “This shows the new quality of the extreme right-wing danger.”
Source: faz
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