Gravedigger, racist, antisemite and Holocaust denier

Uccle – The town of Uccle opens a file on a gravedigger who calls the president of the LBCA “Kike” (youpin“) and claims “to love the ovens and the Nazis “.
Thanks to the photo on his Facebook wall showing him with the uniform and the communal gravedigger cap, it was easy to identify the man who, using the alias Marvin of Nazareth, sent this private message to Joël Rubinfeld, president of the Belgian League against antisemitism: ” You’re a saaaale yupyup and I strongly and strongly advocate that many things did not exist (sic). I like the ovens and the Nazis. 
Through the voice of his counsel, Me Christophe Goossens, Joël Rubinfeld lets us know that he will “ certainly ” file a complaint with the Brussels public prosecutor’s office. The message, which contains other elements, was posted on February 24 at 12.54 am, the day after the Aalst carnival. The president of the LBCA had spoken in the media about the anti-Semitic cartoons that appeared on the floats of the procession.
Sent by Facebook Messenger, Marvin de Nazareth’s message had landed in the “requests” box which receives unread messages and which Mr. Rubinfeld consults little. Joël Rubinfeld only read it on Monday.
Yupyup” for “Kike” means racistly a Jewish person. The “things that did not exist (sic)” are specified below: “Long live Monsieur Faurisson.
As a reminder, Robert Faurisson, who died in 2018, was the emblematic figure of far-right, even neo-Nazi, negationists. Faurisson has been sentenced on several occasions for “incitement to racial hatred” and “contestation of crime against humanity”.
And Marvin de Nazareth, addressing the president of the LBCA, continues: “ I like the ovens, I like the Nazis, but not you. 
On his wall, Marvin posted a photo, visibly taken in the premises of the cemetery of Dieweg, in Uccle, showing him, in uniform and with the cap of a gravedigger, practicing two fingers of honor. Not complicated to identify it. Marvin D. ended up responding.
– Do you know Mr. Rubinfeld?
– It is possible.
– Did you write him a message after the Aalst carnival?
– It is possible.
– Do you call him a youpin?
– It is not entirely correct but either, continue.
– You deny the death camps, you say you love the Nazis and the crematoriums?
– OK. We will stop there. Besides, I don’t answer a journalist like you.
There was no longer any question of ” advocating loud and clear “. The guy ended the interview.
For Joël Rubinfeld, the fact that someone deliberately knocked on the door of the LBCA to deny the existence of the gas chambers and proclaim his admiration for the Nazis and the ovens is partly explained by the climate of impunity in anti-Semitism ”, a climate fueled“ by a series of bad signals sent by the Belgian legal system ”. The president of the LBCA recalls the classification without continuation reserved by the parquet floor of Liège to the case of this cafeteria who had prohibited the entry of his establishment to the Jews (The DH of June 7, 2019) .
With certainty, the complaint will be filed with the constitution of a civil party with the investigating judge, relates Me Goossens.
Posing for the photo in a local of the commune, in communal uniform, doing fingers of honor, is it admissible? ” I can confirm that the town of Uccle will investigate the matter, ” reacted its bourgmestre, Boris Dilliès.

Source: lbca

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