Almost half of all antisemitic crimes in Berlin go unpunished

Expression of solidarity on the occasion of the assassination in Halle (Saale) at the New Synagogue Berlin. Photo: Christoph Soeder / dpa / archive picture
Expression of solidarity on the occasion of the assassination in Halle (Saale)
at the New Synagogue Berlin. Photo: Christoph Soeder / dpa / archive picture
Berlin law enforcement agencies initiated exactly 386 proceedings with an antisemitic background last year. In 104 cases, the crimes were committed online, according to the first annual report by Claudia Vanoni, the antisemitism commissioner of the Berlin Attorney General.
169 proceedings had to be stopped, however, because perpetrators could not be identified or there was insufficient suspicion. 27 cases were finalized. In most cases (17), fines were imposed.
Berlin was the first federal state in 2018 to set up such a position in the law enforcement agency. Networking with institutions and organizations of Jewish life is a task.
According to Vanoni, anti-Semitism is not an independent criminal offense. Such crimes are therefore classified as hate crime. It is crucial for effective law enforcement to recognize antisemitic motives at an early stage, said the chief prosecutor.
According to the report, according to current studies, it can be assumed that around 80 percent of serious anti-Semitic incidents are not reported to the police or other authorities.
The chief prosecutor emphasized that antisemitism threatens the stability of society as a whole and must be combated consistently by the state. “That’s what the Berlin law enforcement agencies stand for.”
Source: sueddeutsche
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