2019 Annual report on antisemitism in French-speaking Switzerland

With 114 recorded acts , the CICAD report for 2019 ends with an increase in serious and worrying acts (14 acts in 2019 compared to 6 in 2018) . The acts listed online are decreasing (100 acts against 168 in 2018), especially on the platforms for commenting on French-speaking media. 
Insults, death threats against Jewish children going to school, desecration of the stele in memory of the victims of the Shoah, discriminatory comments in the context of a job interview. Some examples of this uninhibited antisemitism, which is now expressed in broad daylight. While the vast majority of anti-Semitic acts recorded by CICAD in recent years have concerned the Internet and social networks, in 2019 we note an increase in acts targeting people and property. 
Faced with these discriminatory phenomena, CICAD mobilizes daily in favor of the victims while adopting a proactive approach to awareness-raising and education. The authorities must take the necessary measures and support programs in the fields of education, training and legal protection.
Finally, it is important to note the legitimate concern of the Jewish communities regarding the terrible events that took place in 2019, including the attack on the synagogue in Halle, Germany. As CICAD has repeatedly pointed out, it is up to municipal, cantonal and federal authorities to support projects aimed at strengthening security. The Confederation’s Intelligence Service (SRC) mentions in its last report that
“Jewish interests could also be affected in the event of attacks on Swiss territory”.
CICAD publishes for the first time in its report a national analysis, prepared by CICAD and the FSCI (Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities) on antisemitism in Switzerland.

Source: CICAD
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