The number of antisemitic crimes in Bavaria increased significantly in 2019

The number of antisemitic crimes rose significantly in Bavaria last year. According to preliminary data from the State Criminal Police Office ( LKA ), 307 cases were registered in 2019 , around 40 percent more than in the previous year, the Interior Ministry in Munich said on request. The security authorities attribute almost 300 of the acts to the right-wing political spectrum. 
Ministry of the Interior: “It is important that all antisemitic crimes are reported”
A spokesman for the ministry said the rise was worrying. “The best possible protection for the Jews living here is extremely important to us. That is a core concern of Bavarian security policy,” he said. 
The police are pursuing high-priority antisemitic offenses. “We fight antisemitic crimes with all legally and actually possible preventive and repressive measures,” said the spokesman. At the same time, it was important “that as far as possible all antisemitic crimes should be reported to the police”
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