Czech Republic online shops sell antisemitic children’s books

Several Internet bookstores in the Czech Republic have had the antisemitic children’s book “The Toadstool” on offer for years. It is a work by Ernst Hiemer, editor-in-chief of the Nazi campaign sheet “Der Stürmer” in the Third Reich. The police are investigating.
The case is being dealt with, said a spokeswoman for the Police Presidium in Prague. The work of Ernst Hiemer from 1938 is considered A prime example of National Socialist propaganda, The former Middle East correspondent for Czech television CT, Jakub Szanto, was the first to draw attention to the dubious Internet offerings.
The chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic, Petr Papousek, condemned the sale of the publication as “taunting the victims of the Shoah”, the Nazi genocide against the Jews of Europe. He urged the authorities to prevent the further spread of the “gross and racist hate speech”. Czech social democratic foreign minister Tomas Petricek spoke on Twitter: “This is terrible – I hope that the responsible organs take immediate action.”

Source: mbs

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