An Argentine journalist from a public channel, posted an antisemitic tweet after Kobe Bryant death, was blocked and apologized: “Anyone who knows me knows I don’t think things like that”

Buenos AiresThe Argentine Public Television journalist, Eduardo Salim Saad, shared on his twitter account an unpresentable antisemitic writing linked to the death of sports legend Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and 7 others.
The journalist’s repudiable saying referred to the name of the helicopter in which Bryant and his relatives were traveling at the time of crashing into a mountain, which became a gigantic explosion.
“Sicorsky S 76 helicopter, of Jewish surname, kills Kobe Bryant,” was the embarrassing phrase of the journalist who worked on the Chronicle TV channel and Continental Radio and currently works on the state channel.
The message was issued on the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Salim Saad, works as pro-secretary of the Lebanese World Union and promulgates an “anti-imperialist” line that holds the United States responsible for the humanitarian debacle in Syria.
Eduardo Salim Saad
Before commenting on the political and war situation in the Middle East, Salim Saad highlighted his friendly bond with two Jewish people, and proceeded to expose his anti-Zionist ideas.
In a recent interview, the Muslim religion journalist said that regional tensions “have a lot to do with the domination of bad Zionism, to put it in some way (…) Zionism taken as racism. What causes so much violence. ”
Source: radiojai
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