The permanence of Eric Faidy, LREM candidate in Clermont-Ferrand for municipal elections, covered with antisemitic tags

Clermont-Ferrand – The campaign premises of candidate LREM Éric Faidy, in Clermont-Ferrand, were the target of anti-Israel tags during the night of Thursday to Friday. Facts that occur while the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron is invited by Israel for the commemorations of the 75 years of the liberation of Auschwitz. 
“Down with Israel”, “Palestine will win.” Anti-Israel tags were discovered this Friday morning on the campaign permanence of the candidate La République en Marche, Éric Faidy, in Clermont-Ferrand.
Words written in the night from Thursday to Friday and while the international community commemorates these last days, in Israel, the 75 years of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Event to which the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron is invited.

Source: lamontagne

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