Insulted on the Internet, young Jews caught in a fight in Lyon

Lyon – This Tuesday evening, the school outing did not go like the other days at Place Saint-Paul in the 5th arrondissement of Lyon.
According to our information, a violent brawl broke out on the forecourt in front of the station between dozens of young individuals. According to witnesses to the scene, about forty protagonists exchanged blows under the dumbfounded eyes of passersby.
Everything would have started from a private party during which middle school or high school students, on the one hand from the Israelite community and on the other hand from the Catholic community, exchanged insults. Social networks, where anti-Semitic insults are said to have been published, then raised the mayonnaise until the confrontation in which a young man aged 15 was slightly injured. Taken in charge by the fire brigade, he was transported in a state of emergency relating to the Woman Mother Child Hospital of Bron.
Also according to our police sources, three individuals were arrested during the events. Auditioned, they were finally left free. The investigation, led by the urban security brigade, continues.
Source: Lyon Mag
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