ACOM requires Chelo García Cortés to apologize after using antisemitic expression

Source: a-com

Chelo García Cortés
The journalist Chelo García Cortés during her speech on the “Save Me” program of the Telecinco network used the expression “perro judío” (“Jewish dog”).
The fact that these types of expressions belong to the colloquial language does not exempt the discriminatory and deeply antisemitic burden that entails.
The use of this expression in a prime time program gives it a media impact that should be avoided. And even more so in the case of a renowned Spanish journalist.
“Jewish dog” takes us to times that should be totally forgotten and should have been overcome. Times of persecution and rejection of a minority whose footprint has survived despite the passage of time and attempts to make it disappear.
ACOM condemns these types of expressions that encourage hatred towards any citizen for the mere fact of their ethnic and religious status. And we demand from the journalist and the direction of the program where this expression has been used, a strong public apology, as well as a commitment to avoid pronouncing in these terms in the future.
**** UPDATE  ****
This PRO-ISRAELÍ association thanks Chelo García Cortés for his apologies after the antisemitic comment (“Jewish dog”) poured on the air the day before, and for admitting that he will not use it again. That kind of comment should not bother us only, but any democratic citizen.

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