The state of the far right in Greece

Source: researchgate

In the July 2019 elections, neo-Nazi Golden Dawn did not manage to secure representation in the Hellenic Parliament, whilst the new Populist Radical Right party that did get into Parliament held low electoral shares. 

In the period during which parliamentary democracy was being consolidated in Greece, the Far Right remained marginal. The Far Right was not as insignificant politically and ideologically as the numbers in the polls appeared to indicate. The ideological and organisational renewal of the Far Right started in the 1990s. 
With the outbreak of the economic crisis, bipartisanship was dramatically weakened, greatly increasing the political opportunities open to the Far Right. The rise of Golden Dawn is linked to its penetration amongst voters who had lost their ties to political parties and voted punitively.
The institutional mobilization against the violent activism of Golden Dawn contributed to the party’s marginalization. When its violent activities waned, the electoral prospects of the organisation fell drastically. The recovery of bipartisanship operated in two ways: restricting the political opportunities for the Far Right, but also triggering an attempt to rebuild it.
The fact that mainstream parties are losing electoral support makes them susceptible to the Far Right message.

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