Antisemitic tags discovered on the facade of a sports hall in Briançon

Source: Le Dauphiné Libéré

Briançon – Yellow stars as well as Nazi flags were painted on the windows and facade of a gym in Briançon . These overnight bombings were quickly cleaned up. If the managers of the room do not wish to communicate on these facts, they confirm to have made complaint with the police station of Briançon.

In a press release on Wednesday afternoon, the mayor of Briançon Gérard Fromm “wishes to condemn with the deepest indignation and the deepest disgust the antisemitic tags discovered this Wednesday on the facades of the gym.” “Nothing can justify such acts, cowardly and inadmissible, adds the elected briançonnais. The discovery of these antisemitic inscriptions comes in addition to a recrudescence of degradations of public and private goods. […] The municipality calls on the police and the judiciary to make every effort to find and prosecute the perpetrators. “

Arnaud Murgia, county councilor of Briançon-1 and candidate for municipal Briançon, also condemns “with the greatest firmness” these inscriptions. “I also want to say to the Jewish community of Hautes-Alpes my fullest support and the whole determination of all public officials to fight against these intolerable hints of hatred and hatred of the other”, continues Arnaud Murgia.

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