2018 Antisemitism report in Denmark

The Jewish Society has registered several cases of antisemitic incidents in 2018. And there are several cases of serious incidents such as assaults and vandalism compared to the previous year.
The Jewish society’s division for mapping and knowledge sharing of antisemitic events (AKVAH- Det Jødiske Samfunds Afdeling for Kortlægning og Videndeling af Antisemitiske Hændelser) published a new report that gives an indication that antisemitism is a rising problem after fewer episodes in the last years following the terrorist attack on Copenhagen Synagogue and the Gunpowder in 2015.
The Jewish Society has recorded 45 antisemitic incidents in 2018 compared to 30 in 2017. This is the highest number since 2015. The number of assault cases / physical harassment, vandalism, antisemitic statements and discrimination has increased from 2017 to 2018. 
There were four assault situations in 2018 versus two in 2017. All the episodes are described in the report. The number of events recorded as threats has decreased.
Source: mosaiske
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