Antisemitism, Racism, Nationalism: Independence march in Warsaw

Source: DW
Warsaw  Tens of thousands of people took part in the extreme right-wing independence march in Warsaw on November 11, 2019. The demonstration was organized by an alliance of neo-fascist and right-wing extremist organizations – including the All-Polish Youth (Młodzież Wszechpolska, MW) and the National Radical Camp (Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny, ONR). Shortly after the march began, a Polish flag with a painted Star of David, a Roma flag, a rainbow and other symbols was ripped down from the roof of a house. During the entire march, participants ignited pyrotechnics and threw firecrackers.

An antisemitic campaign against the US-American law “Just Act 447”, which is supposed to help Jewish Holocaust survivors worldwide to receive compensation, was formative for the broad support of several right-wing groups. Signatures against the law were already collected during the opening rally, and hundreds of participants wore badges against the law. “Against Jewish Claims” was the title of a banner on the stage of the closing rally. 
In addition to clerics and anti-abortion activists, supporters of the extreme right-wing party Ruch Narodowy, Autonomous Nationalists and right-wing extremists from Poland, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain took part in the demonstration. 
The Autonomous Nationalists carried a banner with the inscription “Polish Intifada […] Stop Zionism” and “This is Poland, not Polin” – the latter is the Hebrew word for Poland. Right-wing extremists chanted slogans like “Here is Poland, not Israel” and “White Poland”.
Towards the end of the march, a rainbow flag and an EU flag were burned. The organisers of the march published photos of it on Facebook and commented on it with “Stop rainbow propaganda! Several thousand people protested against the march during an anti-fascist demonstration.

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