Germany – Number of antisemitic incidents increased nationwide

Source: welt
Franz Rainer Enste, Lower Saxony anti-Semitism commissioner. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte / dpa / Archivbild
Franz Rainer Enste, Lower Saxony anti-Semitism  commissioner.
Photo: Julian Stratenschulte / dpa / Archivbild

Since January, the number of antisemitic offenses in Lower Saxony has increased enormously compared to the previous year. As the Ministry of Justice announced, there were already 137 preliminary investigations into crimes against Jews in the first half of 2019. 

In the whole of 2018, there were only 63 such cases, in 2017 a total of 76. Nationwide, the number of crimes against antisemitism had increased in 2018 by almost 20 percent to almost 1,800 crimes. 
According to figures of the Lower Saxony criminal police (LKA) was determined that in more than 60 percent of the antisemitic incidents in the first half of the year were because of incitement. These include insulting and scorning certain groups of people as well as approving, trivializing or denying the Holocaust.
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