Right-wing radical activist attacks teenagers

Source: sueddeutsche

Munich – On Tuesday evening, a police-known 38-year-old right-wing activist, threatened a group of young people in Neuhausen, then on the police. He yelled to the youngsters “Jews” and that they would be “gassed”. Then he grabbed two wooden sticks and attacked the group. “I’m tearing you up,” he yelled.
A local resident in Nibelungenstraße became aware of what was happening and called the police. The man is follow the group of young people, The police met some young people from the group as well as the 38-year-old attacker. He went on the officials, raised his fists and threatened to “flatten” them. He shouted “Heil Hitler!” and “Sieg Heil!”
The police were able to curb the highly aggressive man only by using irritant gas and brought the 38-year-old so to the ground. Then they handcuffed the aggressor. 


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