4% Increase in LA antisemitic hate crimes in 2018

A Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations report released on Sept. 25 concluded there was a 14 percent increase of antisemitic hate crimes from 2017 to 2018.
The report states that there were 81 anti-Semitic hate crimes in Los Angeles in 2018, compared to 71 the year before. Antisemitic hate crimes consisted of 83 percent of all religious hate crimes in 2018, followed by Christians at 5 percent and Muslims at 4 percent.
According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Los Angeles, examples of antisemitic hate crimes in 2018 that occurred in Los Angeles includes neo-Nazi graffiti in Woodland Hills in November and the words “Palestine Exists, Acknowledge It” written over the words “Antisemitism Exists, Acknowledge It” at Claremont in December.
Overall, hate crimes against religions declined by 4 percent in 2017 to 2018, but hate crimes as a whole increased by 2.6 percent over the same timeframe.
The troubling rise of these acts of hate must be met with unwavering condemnation,” Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis said in a statement. “We must come together in solidarity to combat racism and bigotry head-on.”
ADL Los Angeles Regional Director Amanda Susskind said in a statement, “We are fortunate to have LA County as a key partner in our work to reduce hate crimes and increase public awareness of the impact these kinds of crimes have on our communities. The LA County Hate Crime Report is a reminder that the important work of ADL is still needed.”

Source: Jewish journal

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