Antisemitism on NPO Radio 1

BrusselsCenter for Information and Documentation Israel (CIDI) has reported against a caller who made antisemitic comments in a morning program on NPO Radio 1. They also want to talk to BNNVARA who broadcast it, because this is not the first time in this program.
In the morning program Go! caller named ‘Mario’ suddenly started talking about ‘money-hungry Jews’. “Sorry to say so, but I just call it by name,” he added. “Those people who really have to be eliminated.”
Presenter Morad El Ouakili asked what he meant by the term “Jews”, but let the conversation continue. Mario then told a story about how Jews play a role in major attacks and do everything to earn from the masses. “There are only kikes behind it (English profanity for Jews, ed.).”
These are texts that are more common in conspiracy theories about Jews, but the presenter did not seem to recognize it as such. El Ouakili cited messages from listeners who indicated they agreed with Mario, and also expressed a critical response. After about eight minutes, the presenter ended the conversation by thanking the caller for his time. 

Source: volkskrant

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