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Unna Park – an antisemitic incident - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Unna Park – an antisemitic incident

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Eimsbüttel, Hamburg – Memorial plaques commemorating the Jewish physician Paul Gerson Unna were uprooted near Ooster Street in what is supposed to be an act motivated by anti-Semitism.

Last Thursday, a person discovered that the memorial plaques in Unna Park had been uprooted. One of the two plates was completely removed and left on the ground. 

He called the police and asked that the plates should be removed immediately. The plates, which describe the historical background of the park, and which are reminiscent of the Jewish physician Paul Gerson Unna, are in the meantime at the police station on Troplowicz Street. They plan to put the plates back as soon as possible. Until now the motive is unclear, and the identity of the offender is unknown.

“I am sure that this is not ordinary vandalism,” the witness said to “Eimsbütteler Nachrichten”. “Who bothers to take out eight or six screws?”

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