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49% of Israelis fear antisemitism while traveling abroad - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

49% of Israelis fear antisemitism while traveling abroad

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Half of Israelis surveyed say they worry about encountering antisemitism while vacationing abroad, this according to a new survey commissioned by the European Conference of Rabbis, which represents hundreds of Jewish communities across the continent.

The Sapio Research and Strategy firm carried out the poll of 502 Israelis about their concerns over rising antisemitism in Europe in April.

The survey found that 49% of Israelis were worried about antisemitism while traveling in Europe, as compared to 51% who said it was not an issue. Of the Israeli parents surveyed, 55% said they were worried about the possibility of an antisemitic attack.

Seventy-one percent of Israelis believe European Jews are not safe in their countries of residence, while 29% said they believed they were in fact safe.

Asked whether Europe’s Jews should make aliyah, 91% of respondents said they should immigrate to Israel. Just 9% said they should remain where they are.

Of those surveyed, 91% of Israelis surveyed said they care about the antisemitic incidents taking place across Europe, while 9% said the events were of no interest to them.

As far as the assistance the Israeli government provides Jews, just 22% said Jerusalem was doing enough to help European Jewry, 48% said it was helping Europe’s Jews to a moderate extent, and 30% said it was not doing enough.

“The antisemitic incidents across Europe are intolerable and painfully reminiscent of the dark events of the previous century. They are attacking Europe’s freedom and its values,” said European Conference of Rabbis President and Chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt.

“We are waging a daily struggle for freedom of religion and against antisemitism and its messages of hate,” he said.

Ahead of the upcoming elections in Israel, Goldschmidt said: “I call on the Israeli government and election candidates to consolidate a broad strategy for action on the subject.”

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