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Police investigate ‘Hitler didn’t kill enough Jews’ video filmed in Derry pub - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Police investigate ‘Hitler didn’t kill enough Jews’ video filmed in Derry pub

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Derry – Police are investigating after patrons of a pub in Northern Ireland were filmed spewing vitriolic antisemitic abuse, with one man saying Adolf Hitler “didn’t kill enough Jews.”

The clip, which was widely circulated online, was filmed inside a pub in Derry’s Bogside area by 62 year-old Jewish journalist Tuvia Tenenbom as part of a documentary on Brexit.

Chief Inspector Gerard McLaughlin said: “Police have received a complaint in relation to a video on a social media site.  Enquiries are ongoing into this incident.”

After entering a pub and seeing Palestinian flags on display inside, Tenenbom askers drinkers perched at the bar why they support Palestine.

Answers included “Because we hate the fucking Jews” and “The Israelis are child-murdering scum.”

A man in an orange hi-vis jacket said: “The only thing that Hitler didn’t do wrong. He didn’t kill enough fucking Jews… Jews are the scourge of the earth.”

The comment prompted laughter from others present.

DUP leader Arlene Foster, who shared the video on Twitter, expressed her disgust.

“A disgusting comment. The small Jewish community in Northern Ireland will always have my support and that of all right thinking people,” she said.

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