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Molotov Cocktail thrown at synagogue in İzmir - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Molotov Cocktail thrown at synagogue in İzmir

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İzmir – An unidentified person threw a molotov cocktail at Beth Israel Synagogue in Konak, İzmir at the night of March 28. The attacker has been caught.

As reported by Şalom newspaper, targeting Beth Israel Synagogue, an unidentified attacker threw a molotov cocktail, which did not hit the synagogue and fell on the sidewalk. While the cocktail did not harm the synagogue, an investigation has been launched into the incident.

Being taken to the penal judgeship of peace on duty, the attacker has been arrested for “damaging places of worship.” Deposing regarding the incident, the attacker has stated that he did the act in question to protest Israel.

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