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Israeli professor spouts blood libel at Columbia University - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Israeli professor spouts blood libel at Columbia University

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n a recording released Sunday morning on the Army Radio, Good Morning Israel program, Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian can be heard at a lecture at Columbia University criticizing Israel for carrying out weapons tests on Palestinians.

In the recording presented by Tzahi Dabush, the Army Radio Spokesman for Security Affairs, the professor’s statements are presented under the heading “Disturbing Spaces – Violent Technologies in Palestinian Jerusalem.”

In the lecture, the professor claimed that Israel uses “Palestinian neighborhoods” as laboratories for sales of Israeli weapons.

“Palestinian spaces are laboratories. The invention of products and services of State-sponsored security corporations are fueled by long-term curfews and Palestinian oppression by the Israeli army.”

She also claimed that Palestinian children are used as test tools by the IDF.

“They check for which bombs to use, gas bombs or stink bombs. Whether to put plastic sacks or cloth sacks. To beat us with their rifles or to kick us with boots.”

The professor also referred to the visit of the president of Chad to Israel, claiming that the president’s visit was to see how people were really controlled. “He was brought to Bab al-Amud (Damascus Gate) to see how they really control people in the area, with which closed circuit cameras.”

Her claims were presented to dozens of students and lecturers from Columbia University as a study conducted by the professor under the auspices of the Hebrew University.

The Hebrew University responded, “The views expressed by Professor Nadera Shalhoub Kevorkian do not represent or express in any way the Hebrew University or the administration of the University, these are her personal opinions which express only herself.”

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